Monday, March 31, 2008

stuck in the clouds??

So, it seems that God is having my "friends" avoid me for a reason? Every time! i call some one to hang out, they are busy,tired,or not answering( RYAN).. those were pretty much all you :) And i wonder if God wants me to just be alone? Does he have some sort of lesson? I want to be with people who hold me accountable! I cant be alone, i wasn't meant for that... (at least i don't think) I find myself just looking for someone, Anyone to help. But the more and more i want to change the world the more Satan brings me down about it :( Its like I'm hands down on the floor one leg back (running position) and someone isn't counting, instead of counting they are lolly gagging around looking for something to eat! And I'm stuck in ready position all by myself? I'm thinking... Lets do this! I'm ready! pumped! and ....... NOTHING........ When will this change? Is it me? Because i feel like it is.. Any which way, i have been crying for the past few days and the water works just wont stop! i need peace! any ideas?


Kyle Burkholder said...

psalm 116. pour out what he has filled you with. find satisfaction there and watch the tears flow out of pure joy.

Jeff Reininger said...

if i can offer some friendly advice... seek others help and comfort, but don't ever count on it to always be there. we're all human, we all disappoint, we are all limited and suck sometimes! trust in only God to see you matter how long or difficult the road may seem, i guarantee you he has a path set out for you. trust his vision, it FAR exceeds ours!

Anonymous said...


first, why did i not know you had a blog? what the eff. how long has this been going on without my knowledge? sigh...

second, hold fast to the knowledge that when no one else is there, He is and He always will be. you are beautiful and created in His image.

Chin up young person!! you are on the winning team!

Lisa said...

vanessa! you have a blog! ok you're totally going on my blog feed, lady. So basically - I know how you feel. And the best thing to do is trust God. It's easy to trust God when you are alone, but its hard to trust God when you're lonely. Does that make sense? I dunno...I just know that whatever it is you are going through, there's a point and purpose for it. Something else much greater is in store for you, God is just preparing you for it right now. you know that girl!! love ya!